English Grammar Exercises

Future Continuous Tense Quiz

Online quiz to test your understanding of the Future Continuous tense in English.

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Simple Future Tense Quiz

Online quiz to test your understanding of the Future Simple tense in English.

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Past Perfect Continuous Quiz

Mastering the Past Perfect Continuous Tense: A Fun Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

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Past Perfect Quiz

Mastering the Past Perfect Tense: A Fun Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

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Past Continuous Quiz

Past Continuous Tense Quiz with multiple-choice options, answers, and tips!

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Simple Past Quiz

Simple Past Tense Quiz with multiple-choice options, answers, and tips!

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Present Perfect Continuous Quiz

Test your knowledge of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

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Present Perfect Tense Quiz

Test your knowledge of the Present Perfect Tense! 🚀

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Present Continuous Tense Quiz

Choose the correct form of the verb in the Present Continuous Tense.

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Action Verbs Quiz/Exercise

Action Verbs Quiz/Exercise: 🎯 Test your knowledge of Action Verbs with this fun quiz!

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Simple Present Tense Quiz/Exercise

Test your knowledge of the Simple Present Tense with this fun quiz! 🌟

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Sentence Correction Quiz

Choose the best version of a sentence for clarity and correctness.

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Spot the Error Quiz

Spot the Error Quiz: Identify grammar mistakes in sentences.

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English Grammar Level Test

English Grammar Level Test: Take our free English grammar level test and find your English level.

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Context Clues Quiz

Context Clues Quiz: Learn to infer the meaning of new words from context.

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Reading Comprehension Quiz

Reading Comprehension Quiz: Answer questions based on short paragraphs or stories.

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Sentence Structure Quiz

Sentence Structure Quiz: Test your skills in forming grammatically correct sentences.

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Dialogue Practice Quiz

Dialogue Practice Quiz: Practice responding appropriately in different conversational settings.

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Word Coach Latest Blogs

Prepositions of Time and Place Quiz

Test your knowledge of prepositions with this fun and educational quiz! Choose the correct preposition for each sentence.

Question Tags Quiz

Test your understanding of question tags and practice forming them correctly!

Reported Speech Quiz

Sharpen your skills in changing direct to indirect speech.

Adverbs Word Order Exercises

Adverbs play a vital role in adding depth and clarity to our sentences. They tell us how, when, where, how often, and to what extent an action takes place.

English Grammar Exercises and Quizzes

Lots of English grammar exercises and quizzes to help you practise your English.

Degrees of Comparison Exercises

Choose the correct answer for each question. The answer key is provided at the end of the quiz.